
Tick & Mosquito Management– Bransfield recognizes the complete life cycle of the Black Legged tick. We employ control strategies that address the tick; giving your back yard a much better chance of being an environment free of lyme disease and other tick born illnesses. Using DEET products for mosquito protection on the skin is risky at best, and candles or other commercial products cost a lot of money and yield little result. We use proven materials for application that have been studied at major universities.


Deer Encroachment– Over recent decades deer herds have grown and will continue to do so. This is a direct result of three things: less predation, more abundant food supply, and increased habitat as farmland reverts to forest. While deer are enjoyable to watch, they can do a lot of damage to your landscape and carry lyme disease. Keeping them at an appropriate distance, through various strategies, is a crucial part of landscape management.


Leaf-eaters– Death by defoliation can take several years to complete, but when a tree is deprived of all its leaves and cannot photosynthesize it begins to look poorly. There are a number of ways to control leaf-eating caterpillars and insects that can defoliate a tree in a matter of days. With the resurgence of the gypsy moth, protecting our maples, elms, and oaks is a major concern in certain areas.


Scale– An insect that feeds on the sap of plants can be a serious pest. We utilize horticultural oil to smother these immobile critters while they dwell in their wax covers. These pests are usually spotted during a visit from one of our crew members.


Adelgid– Woolly adelgid has been invasive in New England for a number of years. It is important to protect our native hemlocks, which are fed on by these pests.


These are just a few of the pests that we treat. We also work to control spider mites, leaf miners, psyllid, and lace bugs. Please see our Contact Page to request an at-home consultation.