Want to learn something astonishing in less than fifteen minutes?

That’s what TED Talks are for! There is always something neat that you don’t yet know and you can find something on just about any topic at TED.com.

Now, here at Bransfield Tree, we know it’s important to stay up to date with green science. So we have compiled a short list of our favorites. There are many more on their website, so don’t let this be the end of your fun.

How to Grow Fresh Air


This amazing study reveals how you can improve your indoor air quality with just three plants!

How to Grow a Forest in Your Backyard


Get some professional advice on planting an entire ecosystem in your yard.

How Trees Talk to Each Other


There is so much going on with trees that we don’t see. They help each other, even different species of trees.

A Plant’s Eye-view


This talk is very amusing and yet you sorta have to believe there’s something to it.

How Butterflies Self-medicate


Different plants can either be beneficial or disastrous for Monarch butterflies. Do they know the difference?

Jonathan Bransfield